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what is the spiderweb?
the feature is one of our latest in protecting the players from being victims of abusive pimps.
to our knowledge, no other community has taken the time to apply such a feature! (update: seems we have inspired other communities!)
if you haven't heard it enough already, happypimpin was introduced to give the games back to the pimps. cheaters are not welcome.

what we've developed and applied to the game is a new form of protection from abuse. simply put, it forbids consolidation between accounts that are found to be played from shared systems, etc, but it doesn't end there. the information is steadily propagated across all accounts involved: if you're at a friends house and play your account on their computer, all of their forbidden become yours, as well as yours theirs.

yes, it undoubtedly creates miscellaneous forbids that may not be necessary, but that minor inconvenience is nothing when you consider the benefit: it renders the common multi harmless. consolidating the multi&risk; stables becomes impossible. if you're on a thieving roll, looking for more stables to jack, and come across such a warning (will notify you that the attack had been 'caught' in the spiderweb), simply move along to a new target.

the presence of the warning does not neccessarily declare you a 'multi'!
it's simply protection based on recognition of the possibility based on several factors.
the administration strives to keep the community a fair playing field for pimps.
this measure has done a great deal to ensure it stays as such.

1:57am Monday, Apr 29th, 2024
happypimpin © enve